Cursed For Your Sake

In Judeo Christian tradition, the Old Testament book of Genesis relates the story of Adam and Eve, in which God Casts Adam and Eve out of the garden for disobedience and tells them “cursed is the ground for thy sake”, and “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread”. Whether the story is myth or history, it serves to highlight the human condition very well. Our basic human tendencies have not changed much from those in ancient records. Like them, we work every day to make a living, seek shelter to protect ourselves from the elements, choose partners, have families, and seek validation and acceptance within our tribe. The paintings in this exhibit attempt to describe the postlapsarian human condition.

David Raleigh is a visual artist working from his studio in Provo Utah. He has enjoyed drawing and painting for as long as he can remember, but his passion for modern and contemporary art was sparked on a trip to the New York Museum of Modern art during high school. Raleigh received an associate of art degree from Snow College in 2013 and a Bachelors of Art from Brigham Young University in 2017. He enjoys spending time with friends and family, reading, and skateboarding.